11 February 2015

Typography insertion

I cropped an image of a hurricane to roughly golden spiral proportions on the page. In Illustrator I created a spiral which I inverted and then edited the proportions and the position to line up correctly. I chose a font that looked in harmony with could, rounded and fluffy, but still authoritative, like the weather agencies. The text I added was hold onto your hats, in an overlay layer so that some of the shading from the image showed though. I would have liked to make the text into a wedge shape, to narrow as it approached the centre, but I couldn't work out how.

For the dog's image, I decided to use a font that reminded me of the dog food brand Pedigree Chum. I used Photoshop and aligned the baselines along the layers of dust that the dogs were running along, except for the word "only" which fitted nicely between the P and d, and leads the eye into the main text, and from one dog to the next. I used an eraser to remove the text from the main dog, to make it look like the dog was running on top of it. The word "fast" is in red for emphasis. I quite like the simplicity and the rawness of this piece.

In InDesign I added three lines of text in the same font, each one progressively lighter and smaller. The object style for text was set to colour burn to make it appear to blend in with the textures and shades of the buildings. I wanted to make it look like the text was floating off into the sky. The angle of the text reflects the diagonals of the buildings, and I placed the words "not down", upside down to reflect the message, and chose a bulbous font to look like the text had been squashed and to contrast strongly with the angular buildings and other typeface.

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