17 August 2015

Scarf samples

I have received back my sample designs printed on three different fabrics, at different saturation levels. Despite assurances from the printing company (BeFabBeCreative), and the fact that they use reactive dyes, none of the designs showed through totally on the other side of the fabric, and are therefore not suitable for scarves. I'm going to try another company.  I have also learned that some designs are going to need to be enlarged quite a bit to look effective, and some colour combinations don't work successfully when printed onto fabric.

Skillshare course - Intro to surface pattern design

I have spent a few days following the Skillshare course, Intro to Surface Pattern Design: Adobe Illustrator: Create Patterns.  It takes you through all the tools you need to produce patterns from scans, photos, drawing, etc, and how to use the various tools in a lot of depth. It also helped me with my Wacom tablet, and finally getting to grips with the Pen tool.

There is over 3 hours of videos to watch, created by Bonnie Christine, who is a successful surface pattern designer. Some of the information was the same as another Skillshare course I did previously - Intro to Surface Pattern Design: Creating and Mixing Patterns, but it was still really useful as a recap.

I created many patterns, 2 are shown below. Again, they are not finished pieces, I just used them to practice the techniques being taught.

12 August 2015

Assignment feedback review

BA Graphic Design Year 1
Summary of areas to improve (including feedback from lecturers)

Research: need to expand number of sources used. Need to reference all sources, including on blog and work other than assignments

Web: keep type line length at 10 words
Wed: use ID identifiers for page to limit number of classes used
Web: evidence testing with screen shots and include in workflow
Web: broaden frame of reference, consider different approaches

Theory: need to assimilate theories, rather than repeating them
Theory: consider audiences more
Theory: ensure an effective conclusion is drawn

Incorporate more illustration and traditional mediums
Ensure a range of products flows well
Include industrial processes when considering materials

MoMA New York

Visiting MoMA New York

On my summer hols I visited MoMA in New York. Unfortunately the 4th floor was closed (1940s-1980s), however the floor above with the impressionists' work was totally overwhelming. I felt a bit emotional about seeing so much famous work in one place. I had no idea that the MoMA collection was so vast. I wish I had had more time there...